International Number Application Service
Customer needs, how to solve them?
- Customers need to use a local 400 number to answer calls. We recommend using the 800 number, which can provide a one-stop number selection service for 160 countries.
- Customers need to make calls to local users outside the country. We recommend using a local DID number, and we can also provide the number selection service for 130 countries.
- Customer wants access to monthly billing statements? Billing details are sent out on the 5th of each month for easy payment
- Customer wants monthly billing?No problem. 2000CNY deposit required.

Inbound + Outbound calls: Enterprises have applied for a local DID number in the US and UK, and customers can join a conference call with the enterprise by dialing this DID.
- Need to apply for an overseas 800/DID for use
- Enterprises that need to join conference calls with overseas customers.
Cross-border Tourism
Cross-border Finance
International Trade
Cross-border Hotel